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The Casa de Mateus Foundation regularly organises art exhibitions.
In the visual arts, Mateus sought to showcase some of the most significant Portuguese artists in painting and sculpture, such as João Cutileiro, Nikias Skapinakis, Nuno Siqueira, Justino Alves, Margarida Lagarto, Graça Costa Cabral, Frederico George, Emília Nadal, Stuart Carvalhais, Vasco Futcher Pereira, Martha Teles, Manuel Costa Cabral, Jorge Martins, Júlio Resende, Luís Pinto Coelho, Júlio Pomar, Graça Morais, as well as a collective of serigraphs, a collective of sculptors, and exhibitions of engravings, drawings, photography and tapestries by the most diverse artists and nationalities.
Multidisciplinary artistic residencies
The development of the project The Present of the Future thus began with the start of the application process for this competition and will continue throughout 2002 according to an open system, shared with a group of particularly important curators. Each of these curators will be in charge of designing an original project that still has some concrete details. The residencies will bring together three artists from different languages and a non-artist who will act as mediator. Although the emphasis is on the process and the discovery that the confrontation of languages gives rise to, each residency should be shared with plural audiences, from people interested in getting to know the inside of artistic processes to the concert communities involved by the mediator. From this process, in addition to sharing, a videographic and editorial memory will be left that should constitute an artistic object in itself.
So far, for the 2023/24 biennium, we have invited curators Miguel Palma, Miguel Azguime and AnneMarie Maes. Miguel Palma is a visual artist who appropriates the narratives of a modernity in permanent questioning to better reflect on the present and unfolds his creativity in a constructive drive that summons and problematises concepts such as progress, degeneration, speed and failure. Miguel Azguime, Portuguese composer, poet and percussionist, founded the Miso Ensemble with Paula Azguime, a flute and percussion duo, one of the most important Portuguese contemporary music groups. He also created the Sond'Ar-te Academy, a training centre, and O'Culto da Ajuda, an experimental music room. Annemarie Maes studied at the Sint-Lucas Academy in Brussels and specialised in anthropological documentary film at the Institute for Sound Image Culture in Brussels. Her most important ongoing works focus on ecological themes, such as Bee Laboratory and Urban Corridors, which installs urban laboratories and creates artistic objects built from monitoring bee colonies.
After last July's opening of the exhibition 'Movimento Perpétuo | Tapeçarias e Serigrafias de Nadir Afonso' (Perpetual Movement | Tapestries and Serigraphs by Nadir Afonso), which has already seen a total of over 12,000 visitors, September will be the occasion for the Nadir Afonso Cycle, a series of three talks that bring together experts in painting, architecture, maths, aesthetics and other sciences to reveal the secrets of an immensely prolific and inspiring work.
On Saturday 3 September, at 6pm, the topic will be "Nadir Afonso, painter and architect". An opportunity to discover how these two languages converged in the genesis of the work of the painter from Flavi, the talk will be presented by Laura Afonso, president of the Nadir Afonso Foundation, and will be attended by António Quadros Ferreira, Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Porto, Adelaide Ginga, curator at the National Museum of Contemporary Art, and Celina Silva, researcher in Literature Theory, Art Theory, Aesthetics and Semiotics at the University of Porto. Teresa Albuquerque will be moderating.
The following Saturday, the 10th, also at 6pm, the talk will focus on "Maths in Nadir's work". With the presence of Elfrida Ralha, Professor at the University of Minho and a scholar of the work of José Anastácio da Cunha, Aníbal Ferreira, Professor at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto, and João Cabeleira, Architect and Professor at the School of Architecture at the University of Minho, the confluences between Nature, Mathematics and Beauty will be discussed, highlighting Nadir's mastery and scientific sensitivity in the way he intuited and projected these notions in his unique Art.
Finally, on Saturday 17th, at 6pm, Carlos Fiolhais, a physicist with an extensive career in science communication, Fátima Lambert, Professor of Aesthetics and Education at the Porto School of Education, Laura Afonso, President of the Nadir Afonso Foundation, will talk about "Nadir Afonso's Aesthetic Theory", moderated by José Eduardo Reis, Professor at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro.
The exhibition, which can still be seen until 30 September, as well as the Cycle, are organised by the Casa de Mateus Foundation, in partnership with the Nadir Afonso Foundation, in fulfilment of its territorial, heritage and contemporary art dissemination missions.
No primeiro dia de Dezembro foi inaugurada, no Barrão, uma exposição de artes plásticas – “Silhueta Feminina do Douro” – Arte, Erotismo e Douro.
A exposição contou com artistas convidados de países e continentes, estando a curadoria e organização a cargo de António Franchini (Artista Plástico / Curador / Galerista e Membro da Anap – Associação Nacional Artistas Plásticos), reconhecido por inúmeras actividades de âmbito artístico /cultural em Portugal e no estrangeiro.
Artistas convidados: Roberto Chichorro (Moçambique), Gracinda Candeias (Angola), Maryan van der Zwaan (Holanda), Isabel Pintado (Espanha), Ramón Conde (Espanha), Sidonie Bergot (França), Izabel Melo (Brasil), Ana Monteiro (Portugal), Isabel Mourão (Portugal), Chi Pardelinha (Portugal), Henrique Vaz Duarte (Portugal), Manuela Mendes da Silva (Portugal), Isabel Saraiva (Portugal), Alice Piloto (Portugal), Emanuel Bessa Monteiro (Portugal) e António Franchini (Portugal). A exposição esteve aberta ao público durante o mês Dezembro.
Recebemos o artista plástico brasileiro Tuti Minervino para uma residência em que preparou uma exposição “Portugando”.
Também durante este ano de 2013, a Fundação colaborou na preparação da exposição “Da Cartografia do Poder aos Itinerários do Saber”, que estará patente no Museu Afro-Brasil, São Paulo, entre 24 de Janeiro e 25 de Março de 2014.
Para esta exposição, a Fundação cedeu temporariamente várias peças museológicas e arquivísticas pertencentes a D. Luís António de Sousa Botelho Mourão, 4.º Morgado de Mateus, Governador e Capitão General de São Paulo entre 1765 e 1775, destacando-se o seu retrato de corpo inteiro, os mapas das batalhas travadas em 1755 e diversa cartografia de São Paulo. Para a ocasião foi também lançada no Brasil, pela Lavradores de Feitoria, uma edição especial do vinho com o nome de D. Luis António, cujo rótulo é a reprodução do quadro.
O Senhor Presidente da Comissão Europeia inaugurou uma exposição de pintura de Jorge Martins.
O Senhor Presidente da República inaugurou uma exposição de fotografia de Ana Paganini.
Graça Morais
Nas artes plásticas procurou-se mostrar em Mateus alguns dos significativos artistas portugueses de pintura e escultura, como João Cutileiro, Nikias Skapinakis, Nuno Siqueira, Justino Alves, Margarida Lagarto, Graça Costa Cabral, Frederico George, Emília Nadal, Stuart Carvalhais, Vasco Futcher Pereira, Martha Teles, Manuel Costa Cabral, Jorge Martins, Júlio Resende, Luís Pinto Coelho, Júlio Pomar, Graça Morais uma colectiva de serigrafia, uma colectiva de escultores, tendo-se ainda organizado exposições de gravura, desenho, fotografia e tapeçaria dos mais diversos artistas e das mais diversas nacionalidades.
Júlio Pomar
Luís Pinto Coelho
Exposição de pintura e desenho de Júlio Resende
Exposição de homenagem a Bela Bartok, nos 50 anos da sua morte, de gravuras de 20 pintores húngaros
Manuel Costa Cabral
Nikias Skapinakis
Ricardo Cruz Filipe e exposição de livros e objectos pertencentes a Vitorino Nemésio,
João Cutileiro, Margarida Lagarto e Frederico Georges
Vasco Futcher Pereira
Marta Teles
Facsimiles de Gravuras e desenhos do museu Albertina
Justino Alves
Emília Nadal
Gravuras de Lars Bo
Nova Escultura em Pedra
O Ballet Gulbenkian na fotografia a cores de João Menéres
Exposição retrospectiva do escultor João Cutileiro (em Maio) e do pintor Nuno Siqueira (em Outubro)
Exposição comemorativa do Iº centenário do nascimento de Stuart Carvalhais (Setembro/Outubro)
Aspectos da Arte em Portugal no século XVIII
Tapeçarias e Litografias Contemporâneas Francesas
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Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm
Saturday and Sunday
9am to 5:30pm
+351 259 323 121